Dance Club of Grays Harbor


Donations and Gifts



The Dance Club of Grays Harbor wishes to thank all those persons and businesses

who generously donated items for our raffles and silent auctions in 2024 and in all the years before.

We truly appreciate all that you do to help keep us dancing!



Thanks to all those who brought items over the past years, too numerous to mention each by name, but who are very much appreciated for your continued support of our Dance Club.

We have had gift certificates from several local businesses, including 5 Star and Dierdre's Deli, certificates for haircuts, shopping, landscaping work, and many more.

Past items in the silent auction have included wine, artwork, gift sets, tools, baked goods (including Mark's homemade apple pie), dance-related items, bling, etc.

We also thank Steve R. for his many, many years of paying for the liquor license when we danced at the Masonic Hall. We also thank L.D. for providing our website since 2012.

These donations change every month, so come check out what the generous community (individual and business) gives to help our Dance Club.



Dance Club of Grays Harbor

Arlene Hoiland, Founder



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Copyright © 2012-2023

Dance Club of Grays Harbor. All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified: May 15, 2024